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Git Webhook on Scout for Automatic Pull & Deployment

Last updated by Ashley Cawley on April 03, 2024 13:10

00:00: Automate your Git workflow by setting up a webhook on Scout for automatic pull and deployment. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to streamline your development process seamlessly.

00:12: When managing a site on Scout we can see there is a dedicated Git tab, lets take a look in there.

00:18: We have covered in a separate video the basics of Adding a Git Repo in Scout, so please get to that stage first, then we are ready to approach Web-hooks and further automations.

00:28: As an example, if we check this website's files, we can see four files here which have been pulled down from the Git repo previously. In a while we are going to add a fifth file called help dot html using automated web-hook deployment methods.

00:44: OK, so back to the Git page on Scout, we need to get the Web-hook URL so we can supply that to GitHub, so click on the "Options" dropdown menu.

00:54: Then click "Webhook URL" - that copies the URL to your clipboard.

00:59: Now we switch over to our repository page on

01:04: Click on "Settings"

01:07: Navigate to the Webhooks section.

01:10: Click on the Add Webhook button.

01:13: Paste the URL which is on our clipboard into the Payload URL box.

01:18: All other options can be left as they are.

01:21: Click the "Add webhook" button at the bottom. And just like that a Web Hook has been setup.

01:27: OK, so to demonstrate this working now, I'm going to quickly create or commit a new file on this repository.

01:34: Seeing as I have the repository open in my browser

01:38: I can do that from here

01:41: I provide the new filename of help dot html

01:45: I enter in some sample data

01:48: And then commit these new changes


01:54: I then switch back to the Scout platform, I find the File Manager tab that I had open from earlier and I press the refresh button just to refresh my list of files.

02:03: And just like that, the new help file which was created at Github shows-up automatically on the Web Server. We didn't have to do anything on the Scout platform to deploy that file to the Server. When we took the action of saving or committing that new file on the GitHub Repository, that act then triggered GitHub to send a request to the Web-Hook URL we supplied. Scout receives that request and knows that it is a signal to do a fresh pull on the repository. So it then speaks to GitHub, performs a pull, and pulls down any new recent changes, this helps to automate deployment where appropriate.

02:39: This guide detailed the process of setting up a Git webhook on Scout for automatic pull and deployment. By integrating Scout and Git Webhooks together you can enhance efficiency in your development workflow. Scout was hand-crafted with love by our team in Cornwall. If you have any questions or suggestions for our Scout platform then please do not hesitate to get in touch.